Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Dec 22, 2012

Your FACE Reads this Post

Because things have been going almost too well, I thought I should make a grocery list that covered two weeks and take the kids to get groceries after school. Three and a half hours in the store was a little too much to ask, especially in the midst of the Christmas/rush hour crowds.

My family is very jokey. We crack ourselves up with comedic genius, such as answering every comment with "Your face." (I'll pause while you compose yourself. Being exposed to such hilarity can be dangerous.) So, at the store, our second cart was nearly halfway full and a woman needed something on the other side of it. I offered to move, and she smiled and sweetly said, "You're fine, honey. I'm going to just reach across and I'll be out of your way." My sweet, quiet, and ever so up-on-the-slang five year old said, "Your face gets out of my way."

Oh yes he did.

I froze.

"DONOVAN! WHAT did you just say?"

"I said 'your face gets out of my way.'"


"I was joking. It was funny. 'Your face gets out of my way.' That's funny."