Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Jul 18, 2011

The Good Doctor/Dealer

Ninja Truck is still feeling down, and my neighbors have got to be wondering how long they get to enjoy the epic reneckiness of this:
This is some BS right here -- I don't know who put all that mess there and left that Chevy on blocks, but it's lowering property values. Also? What's up with the vacuum leaning against the house? PSHHH...some people.

I had to go visit the doctor today, and he didn't tell me to quit smoking once. It was a WIN for me. He also gave me one single pill that is supposed to help with bronchitis, the TUMOROFDEATH on my ribs, and the broken leg from the Fourth of July....anyone else think he's lying to me and trying to placebo me out of his office. He needs to recognize that it literally costs three dollars per second to have a conversation with him and that placebo pats-on-the-back should get a serious discount. That was some BS, too.

He did assure me that the magic pills would work, just so long as I took SIX of them at once. Dude, anytime someone tells you to take six pills at once and you'll feel better all over your whole entire self? That means DRUGS, yo. Not the doctor/pharmacy kind, either. The kind that you learn to say no to in second grade. Too bad second grade was a loooong time ago for me, because I put all six of those pills in my hand, looked at them and said "REALLY? Six of them? At once?" Then swallowed them anyway because I'm not going to pay three dollars a second and not do what the man says.

On a completely unrelated note, my walls were purple and melty when I got home tonight, so guess who's getting a phone call from their favorite tenant tomorrow! Landlord these days...I may have to get a pill to help me deal with the purple melty walls, and also the roof keeps telling me what kind of dog food to buy. But on the bright side, my leg doesn't hurt AT ALL.