Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Jul 22, 2010

Church Buddy

Sitting at church, way too early...random thoughts...

This is so Funny, because I am constantly bragging about how non-judgemental we are at the new place, yet I am PETRIFIED to walk in alone. Does this have to do with the current situation?  Or the fact that I am wearing a Lace Shirt (cute when I left, but I don't wear girly stuff often enough to know what's acceptable anymore)?  Or possibly...that I feel nekkid without kids all over me?  I don't know.  But -- I need a church buddy who shows up On Time, because I can be late, but they can't, because, what if I'm there On Time (like today) and my buddy isn't here yet and I have to walk in ALONE?  (Dun dun DUNNNN)...that would be rife with Bummer and I hate that.  They can get here fifteen minutes early and wait in the car till I pull in, come to my car door (and they should open it for me, cause, of course, they're standing there anyway) (and they should tell me how cute I am and that the Lace Shirt is totally acceptable) and walk me in.  Hmmm....I wonder who would do that. 

Oh LOOK!  That girls looks sluttier than I do, I'm so walking in behind her.  I wonder if I can steal her prayer veil off her head without her knowing, because I left mine in my other car and I mean...it's not like any one's looking at HER hair....hmmm...

Dang it, I forgot to put on real shoes and I'm wearing flip flops.

Why does that one guy nobody knows always talk on his bluetooth in the hall?  It CREEPS ME OUT.  Because he's always behind me talking....and ya know, I know he's not talking to me, but then I think, well, what if he is?  I don't want to be mean.  So he says HELLO all loud, and I finally turn around and he looks at me like I'm the flippin' weirdo...so I sit behind him and look at him like HE'S a weirdo but he can't see me so it's PERFECT.  Because he's a little scary.  And I wouldn't make faces at him if he could see me.


Oh...ok, time to turn off the interior dialogue, I guess.  (....but where are my KIDS?)