Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Jul 26, 2010

The Job

I have been separated from my husband for eight months, and living in my own place (as opposed to my grandma's house) for two.  It's been an interesting time for me, and I feel a little like I did when I was sixteen and trying to figure out Who I Am.  (side note:  I HATE people who feel the need to "Find Themselves".  This causes me great annoyance and displeasure.  I think people say they are Finding Themselves when what they really mean is that they are being Lazy at Life, Don't Judge Me Because I'm Only Experimenting and this May Not Be Me At All.  That being said, Finding Myself is exactly what I'm talking about here, but I don't hate myself for it, only everyone else.)

Biggest problem here is that I kinda' remember who I am as a "single" person, but that girl has been locked away since she was nineteen.  I have discovered that the nineteen year old me is a little too wild for the person thirty year old me has to be.  The good news is that, once I figure out how to merge those two people, I will only be twenty-five, which is totally sweet.

The first thing I have to do right now is Get a Frickin' Job, yo.  So that's going to pretty much consume my life until it's done.  I hate it.  I haven't had a real boss for ten years.  And to be honest, I'm not really great at being bossed around (this is part of the younger me who never bothered to grow up). 

I also despise working for women, because they tend to think under the influence of sentiment.
I also hate working for men, because they like to power-trip.

I completely despise being told what to do.

So, I need a job with no boss.  I'm really good at lots of stuff, including correcting grammar (not my own), texting, smoking cigs, drinking coffee and I can read fast.  I'm a fast learner, but I hate being taught as much as I hate being bossed, so DPMO.  I seldom cry at work, but I was voted Most Likely to Come After You All With Weapons at my last job, so it's kind of a wash.  I'm sure I'll be getting tons of job offers with this glowing resume. 
And I just noticed that, when I'm talking about going to work, I start using phrases borrowed from my dad.  What's up with that?