Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Aug 19, 2011

First Day of School

School started today (for the rugrats), and it went very well. It took about an hour to get from the road to the parking lot, prompting phrases like "Oh sure, just park right there, SNOB...your kid is WAY more important than the eight thousand other people waiting out here." And the hallways were jammed -- not with kids finding their classrooms, but with parents who decided to stand right between all the boxes of school supplies to catch up on the summer gossip. I may or may not have yelled "Everyone please find a doorway and just STAND in it -- CLEARLY you didn't graduate from the elite school you are sending your children to!" I don't know why I don't have friends there. But if having friends means getting in the way of people trying to claw their way through their damn day, then I don't want friends anyway.

Today, I heard a story about Huston standing up for Emma on the playground. I was so proud! Big brother defending little sister from some (stupid-face-booger-butt) kid punching her....makes me want to take him to Disney World or something. So he was telling me how the kids was saying that it was an accident, and then Huston said, "But clearly he was lying." (Wow -- he does listen to me -- what 8 year old says "clearly"?)

When Madi started Pre-k two years ago, she said "I missed you today, Mommy, but I didn't get all sad about it." (Which is just smartass enough to also sound like her mother.) Today was her first day of first grade, meaning her two and a half hour school day turned into seven hours. She did get a little sad about it today, but then she "got over it and got back to hanging out with her friends."

Donovan's only criteria in making decisions is whether something is absolutely fatal. If not, he will go ahead and do his thing.

Me: Donovan, go to bed.
Donovan: Am I gon' die?

Me: Donovan, put shoes on before you go outside.
Donovan: Am I gon' die?

Me: Brush your teeth.
Donovan: Am I gon' die?

So when he was telling me about his first ever day of school:
"We ate a snack, we didn't watch movies, we colored, and I didn't die."

Sounds like a success.