Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Aug 28, 2011

Meatball Eggs and Other Nonsense

Today was Walmart day. :::Queue scary dramatic music::: I didn't even have the kids with me and it was still ridiculous.

There were about eleventy billion people in there, and they were an awful sort. They seem to want to claim the aisle. If their cart is parked in the aisle, they are the only one allowed access to that aisle until they choose to move on. I asked one woman to please let me by, and she scoffed and moved her cart a quarter of an inch. For the record, this quarter of an inch did NOT let my cart through. So I said "Thanks, lady, that was just awesome of you" and bumper carted her cart out of the way. Seriously? Why can't I just get some darn toothpaste in peace?

Then I overheard this conversation between a woman and her little boy, about seven years old:

Mom: No, I'm not buying those eggs. They're not vegetarian.
Boy: :::literally breaking into a screaming wail::: But I don't caaaaaaaaaaaare! I'm NOT A VEGETARIAN! I don't care if the eggs are vegetarian!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom: I'm not buying them...they're not the vegetarian ones.
Boy: But who cares? Why can't we just get them anyway?
Mom: :::voice dripping with horror and disgust::: Because! Who wants to eat eggs that come from chickens that are fed MEATBALLS? That's just disgusting.
Boy: ME! I want to eat them!

I'm not into all the organic blah, blah, blah, but are people really  feeding their chickens meatballs? I mean, is this woman trying to tell me that the chickens which produce the eggs at my local Walmart eat better than my kids? And this is a problem why? Clearly I am out of some loop I probably don't want to be in anyway.

I ran into them later in the cookie aisle. This made me giggle, because I rarely let my kids eat packaged cookies. Not because of meatballs or anything, but because they'd rather have a piece of fruit or something, and find any cookies not homemade to be below their tastes. The mother was screaming, "I'm going to buy cookies ONE MORE TIME. But if you eat them like you did last week, you NEVER GET COOKIES AGAIN!" I'm like, Woman! If you're so concerned about giving your kid meatball eggs, then why not monitor the cookies a little bit?

I mean seriously...if the kid has free access to eat as many cookies as he wants, is it really going to kill him to get a meatball egg every once in awhile? The funny thing was, the kid was throwing a much larger tantrum over the eggs than over the cookies.

I honestly don't understand people in this town. Or maybe people anywhere, but definitely not people from here. Poor kid...all he wants is a meatball omelet and instead he gets processed cookie rationing and a screaming mother in Walmart.