Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Apr 24, 2011

Things to Know

Today, I was called "an incredible writer".  By a spammer and you know they never lie, which means that, in order to continue being a pertinent member of society, you must continue reading this blog.  Also?  I must begin writing it again, or we're all gonna DIIIIIIIIIE.

Here are some random facts about this weekend, Things You Must Know before work tomorrow or you'll look like an idiot when everyone else is talking about it:

1.  My brother in law did an ENORMOUS hiccup in the middle of mass last night.  It was the funniest thing that ever happened in the history of the world.  I had to turn into a statue to keep from laughing, and apparently squeezed my laugh muscles so tight that they didn't release until about twelve hours later when I spent thirty minutes doing that laugh-cry-snort uncontrollably thing in front of my entire family at Easter brunch.

2.  My youngest sister is about three years pregnant, and it reminds me of the one good thing about not being able to get pregnant which is not BEING pregnant.  Once the baby is born, I'll go back to being jealous of baby-havers and start plotting how the baby can come live at my house.

3.  One of my nieces came down with a fever after we were all together today.  There was a memo about how my kids and I can't get sick until 2012 because if we miss one more day of school, the earth will fly off its axis and splash into the sun, and we'll all DIIIIIIE...or some kind of big deal like that requiring numerous warnings on card stock letterheads about how we can't miss any more school. That being said, I'm glad the family was together for Easter, and I don't really care if anyone gets sick because they're going to school either way....what's 500 more kids getting a cold compared to The Thing That Happens If You Miss School After Getting A Warning On Letterhead?

4.  There isn't a fourth thing, but I just want you all to be fully aware that an "Incredible Writer" has written these words, and you must pay attention, yo.