Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Dec 14, 2010

Christmas, Step 7

I finally got the first bits of shopping done today, and I'm very glad I decided to be sick this week and stay home from school. I don't have a Christmas letter from myself on how to handle Christmas "single", so I'm learning through trial and error this year. You, Interwebs, are lucky to have me to teach you.

Things I Learned Today:

When your ex says he wants to split gifts for the kids with you "so you can get really good gifts", just make your list around your own budget. His idea of "really good" may be different from yours, and his idea of splitting may mean giving you ten bucks per child "if" he has it two weeks after Christmas. Maybe. You don't want to take any chances, is my point.

If you have older boys, they probably want expensive electronical things. They will probably break them, so buy them used at a place that buys and resells stuff like that. But check Craigslist first because someone may list the exact same item for thirty dollars less literally five minutes after you buy it.

My girls wanted "FurReal" pets. I found them on sale today (score!) and bought two giant ones. As I wheeled my cart around Target in the wobbly basket, the toys were all "Meow. Meow....WOOF!" Which was really annoying. It struck me as I tried to hide them in the back of Ninja Truck before I picked up the kids from school that perhaps I shouldn't buy toys that make noise unless I can take them home before I put the kids in the car. Especially if three of the kids had asked for actual puppies and kittens for Christmas, and all the mewing and barking coming from the back of the truck may give them a wrong impression.

Be sure you have someplace to hide gifts. Seriously. Aside from your car, if those gifts make noise. And aside from areas of your home you may be afraid of, such as an attic or storm cellar.
(Underground locked room = good hiding spot. Scorpions and snakes and a foot of standing water = bad hiding spot.)