Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Dec 28, 2010

Oh yes, another smoking rant

Here's the thang, yo...I frickin smoke.

I know it's bad. I know that people die from cancer and heart problems and other crap that may or may not have been worsened by smoking. You probably know someone with some sort of anti-smoking story that you could tell me, but guess what? I don't want to hear it. I know someone, too. And anyone born after 1960 knows someone and can give me all the reasons cigarettes are bad for you.

One thing that isn't plastered all over cigarette boxes or coming out of the mouths of smoker-haters is the danger of living my life "smoke free".

WARNING: This is a rant and if you are reading this to be cheered up tonight, you may want to go here.

:::inhales deeply::: :::as in breathing, not smoking, get off my back:::
I don't need passive-aggressive comments about how I shouldn't smoke because it'll mean certain death (and won't I please think of my children?) because certain death is pretty much a certainty as far as I'm concerned and at this point in my life, smoking cigarettes is keeping me from driving over a cliff, which I may be wrong about but am quite sure is going to kill me faster than smoking and if you say anything else about it you are quite possibly putting both our lives at extreme risk or maybe just yours but then I'll go to jail and won't anyone think of the children????

Is this a little passive-aggressive? Absolutely. How do you fight passive-aggression, anyway, if not with it's own kind?

:::catches breath because that was a lot of things to say in a row for a smoker::: :::coughs::: :::lights a ciggy:::

Ahhh....thank you, I feel better.

PS: I have had the worst month of my life. Please don't give me advice, especially about quitting smoking. I'll quit. Just not right now. Thank you.