Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Jan 27, 2011

My Hair is Still Stupid

Tomorrow is Party Day, and yes, I'll admit it, there is a bus involved. A bus full of awesomeness and fun. There will be friends and music and silliness and tequila, which is my favorite kind of fun.

My kids lucked out when their aunt married a guy who is willing to babysit them, along with staying home with his own four while I steal my sister to go party. The kids get to ride in the bus to my sister's house, so they think they are in for Big Partying, too. They only want to be sure they will be served snacks and get to play with the radio. It's So On.

One serious problem with this is that my hair still looks insane. I mean, seriously...I look like I should be...I don't know...sitting on the sidewalk selling crayon drawings or something. And I have school all day tomorrow, which leaves me no time to find anyone to fix the cut. So I'm hoping I don't get kicked off the Bus of Awesomeness or dropped off at a psych unit or beat up by the cool kids or whatever. Or maybe I'll do the unthinkable and skip class to get it fixed...I just don't know.

I'm very glad I don't care about looks, because for the most part, I walk around all day forgetting how stupid my hair is. But every once in awhile, I pass a mirror and I'm all "Oh yeah, that's some seriously bad hair. That sucks."

Or maybe I'll just slick it all sideways and go emo with some pajama pants and a black coat, because I'm totally not too old for that.

Or maybe I'll wear the combination of things the kids have made for me over the years, and people will just assume I let them cut my hair as well as make my clothes and jewelry.

Or maybe the Bus of Awesomeness is a time machine that will take us back to the 80's when I'll be the cool one and all the other people will have stupid hair.

But this is my last post about hair. I promise.