Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Feb 2, 2011

Who Broke the Interwebz?

So, basically, what happened was it snowed. Apparently, it snowed a LOT, in a LOT of places, only the only place I'm sure about is my particular driveway (and my laundry room) because I can't find Ninja Truck and because I don't watch the news. And I don't really care if that didn't make sense, because IT SNOWED, PEOPLE is my point.

It snowed and the snow broke the Interwebz.

Suddenly, everyone on Facebook is all OMG, SNOW, and all the blogs (including mine own) are all OMG MY SNOW! And we all seemed to forget that it's winter and sometimes snow is something that occurs in the winter and it's just fluffy and white and cold, and as long as we all listen to the news (oops), we won't DIIIIE.

It does seem that the water fairies don't like the snow, so they all flew south for the winter. But the good thing about this is that, if you get some snow in a bucket, and set it by your fireplace for three hours, it will turn into something you can pour into your toilet to make it flush.

Also, if you thaw your pipes, but they are broken, and it's still -1123 degrees, you make a skating rink. Nevermind if it's in your wellhouse or under your floor...fun is fun, right?

And nevermind that I'm an Official Unofficial Plumber now, I am not hogging all that fun to myself, so my besties the plumbers are coming over for skating and pipe repair tomorrow, and to do a snow dance to entice the water fairies back to my house.

I hope the water fairies and the plumbers aren't hungry, because Ninja Truck is either stolen or under that giant drift of snow, and I'm not even going looking for him until at least Friday, which means I am rationing the groceries and can't really share with fairies, which may be why they took off in the first place. Next time, I'm making chili even if my kids don't eat it, because I gosta have those water fairies (do you think they like chili) because seven people in one house means I need some coffee or someone's gonna get hurt. It also means that taking three hours to flush the toilet is asking a little too much of my patience.

I am hoping that the EPIC SNOW OF 2011 or whatever they're calling will go away by the weekend, that the fairies will return, and Ninja Truck will still be running after I flushed the radiator (oh yeah, I FLUSHED THE RADIATOR!!!! Or I watched my brothers do it, or something...but I know my hands were all greasy afterward, so I'm pretty sure I did something with the radiator), and Interwebz will start functioning correctly again. This is my hope for the world, or wherever it is that the SNOW is happening, aside from my laundry room.