Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Feb 28, 2011

Last Week

This last week has been absolutely crazy and I'm sure everyone is waiting on the tell-all expose...

First of all, there was Monday. The day of the crazy texts and kids throwing up. Also? Monday.

Then on Tuesday, Donovan had a fever and it broke his whine filter.

On Wednesday, we stayed home from school one last day to make sure nobody was sick, and Donovan's whine filter repaired around midnight. And I need a word for those text messages you just don't know what to do with...the crazy ones. Crexts? Tazies? ... Psycotixts?

Thursday, we stayed home from school even though nobody in my house was sick. This had mostly to do with who else may be sick, and how badly we didn't want to get involved in it.

On Friday, I finally got brave enough for class and sent the boys on their way. I spent the morning sorting paperwork at yet another government office, and answered phone calls including one from the long-lost shiny-haired lawyer, whom I had presumed dead since November. Apparently, he lives, and was full of advice that involved a cooperative ex. Meanwhile, Mr. Cooperative Himself was battling many illnesses in the ICU, but I didn't know that yet. This is one of those cases where you wish you had just answered your mother-in-law's calls before you found your lawyer's, ya know? Right? Anyone? .... Oh.

Saturday was full of medical updates and text messages. It was not a particularly enjoyable day. My aunt told me that sending mass texts while someone was in the hospital was like being a pitcher in a baseball game, only when you throw one pitch, everyone in the stands throws a ball at you....and she was right. I broke my thumbs trying to relay texts to my family, and glean information from his.

One problem with inlaws is that, when someone is in the hospital, it's already stressful enough; then it's also the time you find out how vastly different two families can be. I imagine that being an ex-inlaw isn't the best thing to be, either, but I'll give it to both our families, they have all been very kind to me, to him, and to each other.

Sunday, we got word that he was suddenly doing much better, and was expected to make a full recovery. We celebrated by tailgating in our driveway while we watched the sun set, and I may or may not have had a couple beers and they may or may not have made my nervous tummy ache finally go away...

And then, Interwebz, it was Monday again. We all went back to our normal routine, only I called a ban on homework until we can sort out our life a little bit. Then I recalled the ban, because honestly....then I called it back on again because if the kids don't go to bed at some point in the next month, I'm not going to make it.

So that is the story of our week, most of it is true, some of it is tabloidesque in it's embellishments. I was told once that a writer never reveals which is which. I also plan on breaking that rule but only when I totally sell out...then, Interwebz, I will have to change my name and run away somewhere warm and ocean-y where nobody will ever find me. Darn.