Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Oct 7, 2010

It Started out to be Completely inoffensive, but then got boring

Well, after yesterday, there is no way that I'm going to post anything about Facebook, rude people, people who aren't rude, cigarettes, beer, inappropriate behavior, skin color, babies, religion, or anything else.

This blog is HappyLand, and we don't try to piss anyone off upset anyone. 



Crap.  I don't have anything to say.

Let's just take this in another direction, shall we?

I LOVE the word "shall".  We shall begin using it quite often, shall we not?  I think we shall.  I shall say it until it shall not make sense anymore.

Now I'm too scared to write.  Did the word "shall" offend you, make you angry, make you feel like you aren't part of the crowd or anything?  I hope not.  I won't write it anymore, ok?  It probably means something bad now, anyway.  Like I'll bet it means the eff word and every time I say "Shall we go?" all my friends are all "OMG!"  And they literally say it like that, too.  They're all "OMG" with just the letters, even when they aren't on the Interwebz.  Then, instead of laughing behind my back, they just sign the letters LOL to each other, but they aren't fooling me there, because I know sign language.  Honestly, friends, save the acronyms for the net, ok?  They're just rude, IMHO (which stands for I May Have Onion-breath) (which, honestly?  doesn't really mean anything, but people say it nonetheless).

My kids cuss ALL the time, which, when I am having one of those days when I decide to parent, I'm all "KIDS!  SHUT THE CRAP UP!" And they get all scared because I said the "S" word and the "C" word, and that means business, I May Have Onion-breath.  Also?  I May Have Onion-breath, it's pretty awesome that I'm such a bad mom, but my kids think that the "S" word is shut up and the "C" word is crap.  Because I have it on good authority (like, first-hand witnessing) that their mother has taught them worse words than that. But if luck holds out, they think that those other words mean either "I stubbed my toe" or "That car almost hit us", and will use them well and accordingly.

So, my dear, most loving and accepting Interwebz, I shall say goodnight.  Unfortunately, the Funny gets stuck in the Filter, and when the Filter is on, the Funny is all "Crap!  Lemme out!  I want out!  Shall." 

Maybe tomorrow, Funny.  Maybe tomorrow.