Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Oct 31, 2010

Where Has All the Funny Gone?

This weekend was highly strange.

The ex wasn't able to take the kids, so I ended up with them. He was supposed to have them on Huston's birthday, so I planned to celebrate the next weekend and consequently had nothing ready for a quick party that evening. We managed to pull a little celebration together and coupled with the promise of a sleepover ASAP, he was a happy birthday boy.

I didn't kill his dad, either, so GO ME.

And it wasn't really the ex's fault....but still, yo. I had people coming over for poker, so guess how geeky that is when you spend the first three hours of poker night putting kids to bed over and over...

The next night was trick or treating, and that was a blast. We spent all day getting kids into costumes for one hour of fun. But they did have fun. Along with the usual amounts of trash and random stuff, I now have one pair of dragon wings, two turtle hands and a unicorn carcass piled in the momvan.

Today was a potluck at church that I didn't remember about until I pulled into church an hour late. Yeah, an entire hour. Because I slept for a total of four hours all weekend and I wasn't quite functioning this morning.

And I'm still not functioning now, due to the lack of sleep and the fact that things sort of suck right now. So, mi amigos, I'm just not that funny this week, and that's why I didn't get the required 31 posts in for October. But I'm going to see what happens tomorrow, and if nothing funny happens, I'll go find an adventure somewhere.