Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Oct 8, 2010

Whoops, I Pissed Off The Corps

Today I was leaving hell the grocery store, and I saw a little black Mustang with my brother in law in it.  I was all "HAI!  What're you doin???  DUSTIN!  OMG!  When did you get rid of your truck?  And get home from California?  And where is my sister and why didn't I know y'all were here?  And....Oh." 'Cause it wasn't Dustin.  It just looked like him, and I almost killed the poor guy trying to wreck him so I could go all "where's my sister" on him.  And he looked at me like I was nuts. Which I was.  I had just taken all the kids shopping, and they were not willing participants, so nuts may be an understatement.

So then, I remembered a promise to blog about Dustin last night.  Oops. The thing is, Dustin is so controversial, I couldn't do it last night or there would have been a big ol' fight on my page, and Dustin would want to come home and get all Badass American Marine Watch Your Back on everyone, or more likely on me, and so I had to keep it on the DL, yo.

Which makes me wonder, what if he's all mad at me for not blogging about him last night?  Maybe he thought he'd be famous by this morning and he had a limo rented and everything, and then he had to pay for the limo even though he didn't have anywhere to take it because he wasn't famous yet, and doesn't even live in Hollywood, but in some deserty part of California...poor Dustin.  So I think I may have a pissed of Marine on my hands, and that is never good.  I am not sure how my sister lives with the stress.

However, because I am blogging about Dustin tonight, he'll surely be famous by tomorrow because an entire 95% of the world reads this blog.  Or probably my decimal is off a little and it's more like .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000095%. Something close to that, anyway. 

So happy birthday, Dustin!  Or Merry Christmas!  Or Whatever Comes Next That I Should Get You A Present!  You'll be famous by tomorrow morning, only one day late, but hey, it's truly the gift that keeps on giving.  I love ya, little bro!