Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Aug 2, 2010

Single Life

Here's what sucks about being "single" (I have to put that in quotes, because I'm not technically single, I am merely alone, but I don't really feel alone, because I do have awesome people who I LOVE in my life, but they don't live with me, and if I ever do get lonely, I have this sentence which is so long that it's now alive and could probably keep me company if I ever needed it to.)...

...now...let's see...um......

I don't remember why I was even going to talk about that.  Because, hello, people sometimes read this, and I'm sure I had a point, but if I go on now, I would clearly say something that I don't want people reading, or at least people who already don't like me and will pick it apart and make it something it's not....<---Oh, LOOK!  Another sentence boyfriend!  I should do this for a living because I obviously rock at it.

Making long sentences to move in with, that is.

Not writing about why it sucks to be fake-single.

Because I'm not really single...did I mention that?  And even if I were, I have no idea what single people do, so I prolly wouldn't do that anyway.  I'd probably move into my mom's basement and be a nerdy creepy blogger. 

...Oh.  Yeah.  Well, I don't live in the basement.  But I did come close.  But I'm in a real house.  So it's all good.  ...  Shut up.

Nerdy is the new hot, right?  Does that apply to girls?  Hmmm...I guess it doesn't matter if I'm hot or not, since I'm fake single, not real single, so who frikkin' cares?

So, that's what I have to say about that.  Good talk, yo.


Anonymous said...Reply to comment

I would like to exchange links with your site lifeslaundrybasket.blogspot.com
Is this possible?

MannyRee said...Reply to comment

It's completely possible, Anonymous. Who are you? I don't exchange links with just anyone, you get STDs that way.