Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Aug 5, 2010

In Honor of my Sister

Today is my oldest sister's birthday (but I'm still the oldest, so BACK. OFF.)...so here are some memories...

Once, I made her lie for me.  Then I said, "No, you won't be able to."  She said, "uh-huh!" So I said, "OK" (I was really afraid of getting caught, and made a bad judgement call here).  She cannot lie.  The girl is physically incapable of lying.  So I coached her to keep her tongue in her mouth and not look weird or anything. My mom called her downstairs..."Ashley, was Mandy asleep last night or was she on the phone with Boyfriend?"  Ashley (tongue out, rolling eyes, fidgeting, looking absolutely weird, and nearly unintelligible) "She waaas ashhhleeeep...?????"  My mom: "Mandy, you're grounded."  And I couldn't even be mad, because it wasn't really her fault.  I had totally asked her to do something she was clearly not made to do.  It was like asking her to fly or something.

Another time (I'm sure this was the same year), I decided to be really bad and smoke a cigarette in my room.  Ashely promised she wouldn't tell, and I was fairly certain my mom wouldn't ask about this one.  But just in case, I made Ashley take a drag, too, to prove she wouldn't rat me out.  She didn't, and it was actually kind of mean of me, now that I think about it.  As a matter of fact, I'm probably in trouble now, because I just told Internet something I never actually got busted for. 

We used to have "Trading Posts" and trade our stuff to each other.  The little kids got screwed out of some good toys that way.

If Ashley read my blog, she would crack up at this...possibly Britton, too.  Too bad I can't tell the whole story, but see if this rings a bell..."Ashley?  Ashley?  Um....are you ok?"  (Britton running back to our room as fast as her skinny little legs would go)  (Ashley trying to come up the stairs, but she's laughing so hard she almost didn't make it)

Driving to Dallas with Melanie in the middle of the night.  It's pouring rain and traffic is stopped.  Random Guy knocking on our window, "What's up?" Us, "Rain".  Guy, "Roll down the window."  Us, "HELL no."  Marc and Crystal calling to yell at us later...good times.

She was my maid-of-honor, and I was hers.

Random list:
  • Tequila shots
  • bachelorette parties
  • sleepovers
  • Christmas parties
  • Rib Crib
  • first apartment
  • walking to school
  • giant anthill at the end of the road at our old house (killer ants, yo, they would climb your bike to eat you.)
  • taking Warrick for walks
  • Western Hills
Ash, I hope you have a great birthday, have a BLAST your last year in your twenties, and I love you forever!  Thanks for always being my sister and friend.