Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Aug 20, 2010

First Week of School

I have been away from my computer for two whole days because I had to start school.  Also, the kids had to start school, and it's been nuts.  School is kind of a bummer, because they want you there at a certain time, and they think they should tell you what to do and when to do it...they operate on their schedule only, like school is Important, and naps are not.  Psh.

I like everything about school except the driving and all the being told what to do.  After I go to class, I go pick up my kids at their school, where all five of their teachers get to tell me what else to do.  Then I go home and make dinner and then pretty much fall asleep at my keyboard after trying to think of something to write about. 

I keep thinking about the olden days, like last week, then I wish for Christmas Break.  I'm not kidding, the first thing I did during my first day of class was check the schedule to see when our first break would be.  (Labor Day, yo....my house will be rockin' with lazy.)  Then I got very jealous because my kids' school is letting them have a second day off that I don't get.  So they get a four day weekend when I'm stuck with three measly days...not fair.  If you ask me, that's what's wrong with kids today...too many four day weekends and not enough sit down and work.  It's all good, though, because I'm going to make them cook and clean while I'm at school...call it Role-Reversal Day.  Then they can bring me cookies and ask me how my day went.