Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Nov 10, 2010


Sometimes I wonder what in the world my kids think about all day.

Second day of riding the bus for my oldest three, and the bus just didn't show up. I have no idea where it was, it didn't even drive past the stop. I was a little angry, because the kids are being picked up far enough away that I can't see them from my house, and they were standing at the stop on a main road for thirty minutes. Luckily, I'm a freaked out nervous mom and I was with them, but there wasn't any way for the bus driver to know that, so I wasn't very impressed that my boys were left standing there for so long. And no, yuk it up all you want, but we weren't late, we were ten minutes early. Do expect this to change in the near future. Yesterday, on their first day to ride, a mom pulled up right behind the bus, jumped out of her car, grabbed her kid and threw him on. She had obviously been late for their own stop. This will be me in the near future.

So I had to take the boys to school. No big deal. We had plenty of time to get there. Since we are still borrowing the truck, the kids are all squished together in the back, so I told the youngest two to stay away from the door while the other kids tried to squeeze their way out. The youngest two don't listen, so they threw off their seat belts and crowded against the door to see out the window right as Dalton was opening it. Donovan fell out. Yup...prime parenting moment right there...sitting in front of Snob School with all the yuppies lined up behind me and all the teachers standing in a row and my three year old just falls right out of the car into the drop off loop. I was a proud mommy right then. Then, in case nobody actually saw it, he screamed as if I had also run him over after I got done pushing him to his doom.

I was a little taken aback, because the teachers are supposed to help the kids out of the car, but were ignoring mine for some reason, and just sat there and stared at my son as he rolled around screaming. I did actually get out of the truck and go get him, but it just took me a minute, because I got all tangled up in my seat belt and then forgot that I wasn't driving a van and I may or may not have misjudged how big of a step it was and fallen down for just a second. Maybe. So that was our morning. Not exactly a great start, but mostly the worst thing that happened all day, so it wasn't too bad.

Donovan didn't break any bones or get run over or anything, so it ended up better than the incident yesterday when he slipped and busted his entire face...and that didn't involve moving vehicles or parking lots or anything -- only an innocent wood floor and a sock.

After school, we were all crowded back into the truck, and Huston started lecturing me on how to drive, because he's a boy and it's a truck and I'm only a girl, so I probably don't know what I'm doing. And I know I shouldn't go all "HA! You're WRONG!" on my own kids, but sometimes I get tired of my boys thinking that I don't know anything because I'm a girl, so I couldn't help but be a little snarky in my head when he pointed out this button:

And then proceeded to tell me that it's the button you press if you would like Indians to shoot arrows into your car for any reason. Yeah, girls are so dumb.