Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Nov 4, 2010


I shouldn't write today. I just need to button up and move on. But then, what would the Interwebz do at bedtime? Probably something less Awesome than reading about my day, so I kind of owe it to Interwebz, right?

So, my dearest Webbie (can I call you Webbie? No? Not there yet, huh?)...Interwebz...
Today just sucked.

It should have been great, as the ex was awesome and took the kids earlier and earlier and then my mother in law took them even earlier so that I could do the eight million things that I needed to do between this morning and Sunday.

I had parent/teacher conferences. That was nice. Luckily I am that special parent who gets to hear only nice things about her kids, and it just so happens that each of my kids is "a joy to have in class" and "super-smart"...etc. I always feel bad for all the rest of the parents that my kids are hogging up all the compliments. I'm sure teachers wouldn't just say those things to anyone, right? Right.

Then, I let the ex use the car to cart the kids around, only he blew it up.

It probably wasn't his fault. Okay, it wasn't his fault at all. But still. It didn't blow up when I was driving...just sayin.

So I took him some water, while he sat on the side of the road with the kids for at least an hour. The water got it started, and now it sounds like Chitty-chitty-bang-bang, which, awesome, unless you let off the gas and then it DIIIIIIIES. So that's sorta' sucky if you need to stop ever. So now my momvan is on the highway all alooooone. And I'm at home all alooooone....

And while we waited on the grandparents to arrive to haul the kids, we had a couple hours just sitting there with the kids. Dalton was awesome with that situation, being the Kid Who Can't Stop Talking. He managed to make it sound like the only thing we ever discuss in our house is how awful his dad is and the proper terminology for...uh...body parts. It was quite possibly the most awkward conversation I have ever been a part of, so THANKS, DALTON! Gotta' love that kid...he's a walking example of the fact that if you say enough words, you're eventually going to say something that someone will regret. He didn't seem too bothered by it, though. I have a feeling I may be getting some phone calls from his dad later.

So that's my day, Interwebz. Enjoy