Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Nov 14, 2010

Trucks, Disorders and Naps

I think Badass Truck is completely out of the question, although I did find a similar one for less money...it may work. Who knows. It kinda sucks not having a car. I heart Dustin's trucks, but lets face it, it sucked bad enough driving around with the kids trying to kill each other in the van. It's way more crappy when they're all crammed into a pickup. But still, Dustin's truck kicks Momvan's bootay.

I took a nap today. It was awesome and I totally needed it because I have managed to not sleep all weekend until then. Oh, except for the part where single parents shouldn't take naps, because there isn't another adult around to watch the short people.

The thing with kids is that they can undo an entire week's worth of work in less than ten minutes. So yeah. They did that. And more. No more napping for mommy, which is really fine because I'm a little mean if I take a nap because it takes me too long to wake up and then I don't want to sleep at night, which is why it's after one in the morning and I'm still awake even though I know that tomorrow is inevitably going to be yet another Monday. Also? A Monday without a car, which means I have nowhere to put all the papers the school sends home on Mondays and I need to take at least a couple hours out of the day to search for Ninja truck.

Also...if I don't find a car really soon, I'm going to run out of names to call them. Or I guess I should just stop naming them until I actually own one. But really? That's not fun. I do get a little attached if I name them, but not as attached as I would get if I had to fuel them up a few times or take them home to meet the kids.

And the kids don't even want a new car, not because they like sitting so close together, but more because they find it a giant pain in the bootay that I am spending time car shopping. Can you say spoiled? If their dad had just managed to not be sick over the weekend, I could probably have had it all taken care of. But noooo.....figures.

And I know that sounds mean, I am admittedly bitchy tonight, and not really mad at their dad for being sick. Actually, if you're feeling helpful, he could probably use a few prayers. Bipolar disorder is a Nazi asshole SOB, and I'm sure he's pretty miserable right now.

But at least he doesn't have to try to explain it to the kids, which I obviously suck at, since Being Bipolar seems to have become a life goal for a few of them. Little rebels.

Since it's so late and this post is basically just a really long status update, I think I'll move on to Facebook and bed. Maybe tomorrow I need to focus outwardly and not use Interwebz as a therapists couch. But thanks for letting me, Interwebz, because you make up for inaccuracy by being free.