Quote of the Day

While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our config.sys settings. ~Dave Barry

Nov 21, 2010

Ninja Truck and Turkey, sans Nazi

I bought Ninja Truck. And I didn't get made into soup, but almost. I am very glad that the Nazi Truck Lady doesn't know where I live.

I'm going to have to have a little work done on it, so if anyone knows a good mechanic who charges about fifteen cents an hour and gets free parts, hook me up, yo. I'm pretty sure I got a good deal, because it wasn't until later that I realized the guy was actually asking $150, and he gave me the price of 100, then I tried to get him down to 75, and we settled on 90. Then he called me specifically to tell me a got a good deal (and why would he lie?) and also said that he was only doing it because I have kids. I knew those little short people would come in handy some time.

So, I am hoping I don't have to cram them into Dustin's truck anymore, and can cram them into my own truck which has more seating and enough space in the back for groceries and a baby elephant all at once.

And it gets great gas mileage, too.

Ok, that's a lie. But still...for seventy five dollars, who can complain?

Tomorrow is Monday, Interwebz. Can you do something about that, please? I get five days off for Thanksgiving (including the weekend), and yet I'm not satisfied...I want the entire week. Or maybe at least skip Monday.

I honestly have nothing to say today. Nobody made me mad all day. I got a truck but the Nazi didn't even come out to say hi or try to stab me or anything. I went to church but I didn't cry or inhale my gum. So I'm just not really all that funny.

Oh, and the ex isn't taking the kids over Thanksgiving break, but I'm glad because I know he can't. Unfortunately, Huston intercepted the text he sent me, so that's how they found out. Ex said he still felt "institutionalized", so the kids were all asking me where and why their daddy is "entrenched" because "institutionalized" is the one word Huston can't read, it seems. So, that was a fun explanation. They were disappointed, but I think it has more to do with the fact that they know I'll make them perform all the turkey songs they know if they have to spend it with me. Mwuahahahaha

The end.